The RPGA Planning District office is located at 109-3rd Avenue NE Altona. (in the Municipality of Rhineland Civic Office)
Municipality of Rhineland Zoning By-Law 2021-06
Town of Altona ZONING BY-LAW 1792-2021
RPGA Building Standards By-Law
Needing a building permit? Please contact Lucie or (204) 324-5357 ext. 3 for more information.
The RPGA Planning District was officially incorporated on January 1, 2010. It includes the Town of Plum Coulee, and the Town of Gretna , the Town of Altona and the Municipality of Rhineland.
On January 1, 2015, the Town of Plum Coulee, the Town of Gretna and the Rural Municipality of
Rhineland incorporated into the Municipality of Rhineland.
Rhineland incorporated into the Municipality of Rhineland.
The RPGA Planning District is a joint effort between the Municipality of Rhineland and the Town of Altona.
The RPGA Board has created a Development Plan that outlines policy to guide development in this district.
What is a Development Plan?
A development plan is an umbrella document that sets the direction for future growth and change in our communities. It includes information such as where certain kinds of development should be allowed and where new residential neighborhoods will be located. This plan is a governing document and each member Municipality must ensure that their zoning, by-laws and development decisions comply with the plan. Only then can we collectively make the plan real.
What is a Zoning By-law?
A zoning by-law describes the rules for development on properties. It includes the details about how future development should look. It is one of many tools that will be used to implement the development plan. Often there are zoning differences between residences and industries. Zoning by-laws may dictate how large one’s front yard can be or the maximum height of a sign on Main Street.
The RPGA Planning District entered into an agreement with MSTW Planning District in 2016 to provide Part 3 Inspections. If you are planning on building Part 3 please contact MSTW for a building permit at (204) 822-6223.