Changing Account Settings

Need to change your account settings?

Changing your account settings is simple!  Follow these five easy steps:

  1. Go to the Register With Us page under the Rhineland Connect Tab
  2. Click on My Account at the top right-hand corner 
  3. Log in with your email and password
  4. Update any of the following information: Name, Email, Phone Number, Address, Mode of Communication, Groups or Password
  5. Submit

** Note that residents have the option to choose if they wish to be communicated by 1 or all 3 modes of communication.  If you originally checked off to be contacted via all three modes of communication and you feel you only need to be communicated via one mode, simply log into your account and change any other mode of communication from "Yes" to "No". The same can be done for choosing which groups of information you wish to receive. **